Free Online Money Services

31 Days of Spring-Cleaning: Monitor Your Finances Online

Keep the paper and junk mail in check — start tracking your finances and paying your bills online instead. Opting to get your statements via email (for your bank and other utilities) can keep clutter and paper waste at bay. Plus, online monitoring services allow you to set budgets, get alerts when you've gone over your limit, and track where your spare cash is going so you can save a few bucks. Get your financial life organized with help from the free websites listed below!

  • Mint — The leader of financial management sites, Mint charts every expense, transaction, and asset with easy-to-read charts, budget progress, and weekly financial summaries.
  • LearnVest — Similar to Mint, LearnVest presents financial planning from a woman's point of view. Beyond budget and finance tracking, the site provides editorial content such as money tips and the option to connect with in-house financial experts.

See the rest of the list after the break.

  • Creditable — Visualizing a goal can sometimes be all the push that's needed to make it to the finish line. Creditable creates a debt-payoff plan and tracks the progress with each log-in. For those wary of Internet security: the site does not require users to provide any bank numbers.
  • WePay — Multipurpose WePay lets users collect payments for small businesses and donations for charitable organizations or fund-raisers. Its most convenient use may be to effortlessly combine funds from friends to pay for a group vacation, rent, or a bachelorette party.
  • SmartyPig — A savings account with a twist. Funds added to a SmartyPig account are actually deposited with its FDIC-insured banking partner BBVA Compass. With a minimum savings of $250, SmartyPig provides the platform to monitor a savings goal and to invite others to contribute to a final tally via Twitter and Facebook. Once a goal is reached, transfer the amount back to a checking account or redeem it with a partner store's gift card.

Source: Flickr user 401k

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