How to Recycle CDs, DVDs, and Jewel Cases

31 Days of Spring Cleaning: Digitize and Dispose of Old CDs

When you think of clutter, what's the first thing that comes to mind? Besides messy cables and cords, it's CDs. If you haven't taken the time to digitize all of your CDs to store on a backup hard drive, maybe now's the time. And when you're done, don't just toss them in the trash — recycle them properly. You can dump your old optical discs, DVDs, and jewel cases in one of the handy recycle bins at Target or Best Buy, ship them to a CD recycling company like Greendisk, or find a recycling center in your neighborhood through CD Recycling Center of America. Or, you could go the crafty route and use them to DIY an at-home project.

Be sure to check out the rest of our 31 Days of Spring Cleaning series to get your digital life in order.

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