Will My Laptop Recover From a Spill?

Ask a Geek Girl: Will My Laptop Dry Out?

I got this frantic text from a friend last night: "I just spilled tea on my MacBook Pro and now it won't turn on. I think it's gone." While my initial reaction was the same as hers (cry), I instinctively told her to take out the battery (which hadn't gotten wet), dry off the laptop as much as she could, and pop the whole thing in a bag of rice. I know more than a few BlackBerrys and iPhones that have been saved this way. I've never heard of a laptop in a bag of rice coming out unscathed, though. Have you? Or do you have any other tips? She's planning on leaving it in the bag to dry for a few days, but she's worried it may be too late. Please share any helpful success stories!

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