Zombies Running App For iPhone and Android

Get Fit by Running From Zombies

If you're a fan of The Walking Dead, you know that those undead don't just walk — they run. So prepare your bod for a potential World War Z now by lacing up your trainers and downloading Zombies, Run! as soon as it hits the iTunes Store later this month and the Android Market this Spring. This app won't just help you increase jogging speed and endurance. You'll also be immersed in a world where you're outrunning zombies in order to collect things like medicine, weapons, and food — just like you would during a zombiepocolypse. Combining the best elements of fitness and video games, the Zombies, Run! audio track will keep you entertained so you can run for longer, while preparing you for end times.

Check out the demo video below and preorder Zombies, Run! for $12 now.

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