School is now in session! If you're heading back to the classroom — or just want to brush up on some essential writing skills — then keep those reading and writing skills on point with these IQ-boosting iOS apps.
Whether you're a high schooler preparing for an AP English Language or Literature exam or a college student in a prose seminar, keep up your intellectual fitness this Summer and download our picks for the best English and grammar apps.
- SAT World Slam ($4)— Take on the SAT, ACT, GRE, LSAT, or TOEFL with this vocabulary app that uses humor and rhyming to help you commit tough words to memory. It's also a great app if you just want to expand your vocabulary.
- Literary Analysis Guide ($2) — Break down poetry, prose, and rhetoric with the app's elements of literary analysis "wheels" that visualize different terms and styles. It's an excellent guide for all levels of schooling.
- Grammar Girl's App ($2) — Get instant access to the popular grammar podcast reviewing "quick and dirty tips for better writing" such as "5 Uncommon Figures of Speech to Spice Up Your Writing".
A Shakespearean guide, vocab quizzes, and more after the break.